Known by God, to make him Known.

Arise City Church is a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church that welcomes everyone as they are. No matter where you're from, what you've done, or what you may be facing, you are invited here. We believe the Church is a place to explore faith and encourage friendships. It is a place to inspire change locally and globally. We hope you find this church to be a place where you can belong.

What We Believe

  • We believe the gospel is the good news of God’s plan to redeem mankind’s relationship with God. We rejoice that God sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, whose life and ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension fulfilled God’s will to save mankind. Christ’s death satisfied the penalty of sin for us. The power of the gospel saves all who believe in it, and it is only through Christ one can be saved.

  • We believe the Bible including 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament to be the Word of God. These scriptures reveal the nature of God and the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. God inspired human authors whom he chose to write the Word and they were written without error. The Bible alone contains essential truths necessary for our redemption, purpose, and hope. The Bible is also authoritative in every matter it reveals.

  • There is one God; who has eternally existed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three are co-equal, co-eternal, and co-existent. Each persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct from each other and yet they are all truly God in essence.


    God the Father is the creator of all things heaven and earth. He created the world supernaturally out of nothing and continues to sustain the world. God rules and governs the world as the only true Sovereign, keeping all of his promises in his Word and redeeming mankind through the Jesus Christ. His purpose for creation is for His own glory and for man to be in fellowship with God.


    Jesus Christ the one and only begotten Son of God. He is the savior of mankind, fully God and fully man, the second member of the triune God. He existed before creation and all things were created through him. Christ is the Word made flesh, born of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit. By the will of God, Christ lived a perfect life, died on the cross, resurrected on the third day, ascended to heaven and now reigns at the right hand of God. Christ fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies as the one who would die for our sins.


    We believe the Holy Spirit is God, the third person of the triune God, co-equal and co-eternal as the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is active and present today uniting believers with Christ. He convicts the world of sin and transforms the lives of those regenerate, empowering Christ followers to live out the will of God.

  • We believe all mankind, male and female, are created in God's own image and purposed to be in relationship with God. People are the pinnacle of God’s creation. Sin entered the world through the first man, Adam, and since then all generations following are born in sin deserving the penalty of sin which is spiritual and physical death. Mankind cannot save themselves through effort, but only through salvation in Christ alone.

  • We believe that salvation of man is found only by God’s grace and not man’s effort. The blood of Jesus Christ fully atones for our sin past, present, and future reconciling us with the Father. Salvation is found in belief of the gospel, repentance of sins, confession of Jesus Christ as forever Lord and savior. The result of saving faith and true repentance is a transformed life, dying to the old self, and becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ.

  • The church is the assembly of true believers called to carry out the purposes of God and to spread the gospel to unreached people groups. There is one holy unified, universal, and invisible church expressing itself through visible and local churches. Each local church is responsible to preach and maintain the gospel, and practice the visible gospel through the ordinances of baptism and communion.

  • True born again Christians live out the gospel through social action and care for the suffering. Social concern and evangelism are both mandates for the Christian. The gospel does not replace social action nor does service replace salvation.

  • During the end of the world, Christ will visibly, physically, and unexpectedly return to earth in power and glory. God will separate the wicked from the righteous. Christ will make all things new in the new heaven and new earth fulfilling all of God's plan and promises.

  • Connect With Us

    We would like the opportunity to get to know you and get connected! Please click the button below and fill out the form.

  • Prayer Request

    How can we pray for you? If you have any prayer requests or needs, please click on the button below & fill out the form. Your requests will be shared with our team & prayed for throughout the week.

    Thank you for sharing.

  • Join A Ministry Team

    Have you been called to serve? Thank you for showing interest in wanting to help grow our community. Please click the button below and fill out the form letting us know what areas you would like to help in.

Join Us

We are currently a church plant located in the heart of Tacoma, seeking to serve and love those in the city. This church is launched to truly live in light of the Gospel, and to make a difference through sharing the love we have received.

Our service time is at 11:00 AM on Sundays in the Star Center (3873 S 66th St Tacoma, WA 98409).